Another random anecdote . . .
Last night I stepped outside to return a phone call because my cell coverage was being fickle in the house. As I talked with my sister, I felt something alive brush against my leg. It was big, fluffy and gray – one of my landlady’s two beloved house cats.
“Joey! How’d you get out here?”
He rolled over on his back and I stroked his stomach, hoping to keep him close until I got off the phone so that I could get him back into the house.
I slipped the phone into my back pocket and stooped to pick up the furball. He liked being petted – but started to hiss as soon as his four paws left the ground. I tried to hold onto him as I fumbled with the screen door. He hissed more – his mouth open wide – and started to twist around, so I put him down/dropped him. Luckily, he didn’t run off. I made several more attempts to pick him up and get him through the front door, but to no avail. His hissing was really starting to freak me out. I contemplated going inside to find my landlady, but I was afraid the cat would disappear if I took my eyes off of him. I stood on the front porch, trying to decide what to do next.
At that point, a car drove up in front of the house. My roommate’s friend was dropping her off. She later told me the conversation inside the car. It went something like this:
Friend: Is that your new roommate?
Roomie: Yes. But I’m not sure why she’s standing out there.
(I bend down to pet the cat)
Roomie: And I’m really not sure what she’s doing in the rose bushes. Weird. She must have some reason.
My roommate got out of the car and approached me.
“Hey” I greeted her sheepishly. I knew I probably looked a bit odd, so I was quick to explain myself.
“I was outside talking on the phone and I felt this cat brush against my leg. I had no idea he got out! Do you know any tricks to get him to come back inside? He keeps hissing when I try to pick him up.”
Roomie: “Umm . . . you do know that’s not our cat, right?”
With that, we both burst out laughing. I had mistaken a stray cat (no wonder he was such a vicious hisser!) for Joey. I guess I’m lucky he was playing hard to get. I don’t think my landlady’s cats would have taken too kindly to me inviting in the hissing imposter -- although it would have made for a more exciting story . . .