Thursday, July 06, 2006

I'm sitting in a Starbucks waiting for my virus scan software to finish updating, so I thought I might as well drop by and say hello.
A couple random amusements from my day . . .

Have you ever seen "The Office"? Our newsroom isn't always quite so entertaining (and I doubt my editor has ever burned his foot on a George Foreman grill), but I think the show's writers could get a few ideas from us. For example, today a mini baseball game broke out between a couple reporters - they pitched a koosh ball between desks and used their arms as bats. Brilliant.

Random fact of the day: I was doing a little research in the state's revised code and guess what I learned? This state prohibits embracing another person while driving. Really, they have a law against it! Good to know, huh?

Well, my computer is finished updating and it's asking me to reboot, so I think I'll log off. Maybe I can get home in time to catch the end of "So You Think You Can Dance?" I've only seen a few episodes, but I'm kinda liking that show. I think it's far more entertaining than "American Idol," but then again - I was never much of a fan of that show to begin with.


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