Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A post without a name - but a post, just the same
Apparently my internship is giving me my fill of writing, because I don't seem to be doing much of it anywhere but there, as this blog's infrequent postings prove. Another contributing factor is that I don't have Internet access where I live, which means I have to actually pack my laptop somewhere (usually Starbucks) to get online. Consequently, when inspiration strikes, I'm often not at a place where I can post. And on fine evenings like tonight - where I'm enjoying the warm summer weather from the Starbucks patio furniture along Main St. - I don't feel compelled to write much at all. Silly me. (It didn't help that logging on to blogger took about 10 minutes because I couldn't remember my password - or username, for that matter. Has it really been that long or am I losing it?)
But I won't close just yet - not without at least mentioning what everyone (at least on the west coast) seems to be talking about these days: the heat. Are you managing to stay cool? I think our hottest day so far was about 108 degrees on Sunday. I think today may have actually been under 100 - and they're saying a "cold" front could be coming Friday, reducing temperatures to the low-90s. Lucky for me, I work in an air conditioned office and live in a highly air conditioned home (my landlady keeps it cranked UP - I often have to wear a sweatshirt inside), so I'm not suffering too dearly - at least not until I get to my car. (It has AC, but it's pretty close to worthless.)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Starbucks is about to close, so I don't have much time, but I just wanted to drop by and say "hi!" just in case someone's checking up on me. All is well up here. And I just found out on Sunday that I'm going to be a brides maid in my friend Bethany's wedding, so that's exciting. Congrats to Bethany H. & David!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I'm sitting in a Starbucks waiting for my virus scan software to finish updating, so I thought I might as well drop by and say hello.
A couple random amusements from my day . . .

Have you ever seen "The Office"? Our newsroom isn't always quite so entertaining (and I doubt my editor has ever burned his foot on a George Foreman grill), but I think the show's writers could get a few ideas from us. For example, today a mini baseball game broke out between a couple reporters - they pitched a koosh ball between desks and used their arms as bats. Brilliant.

Random fact of the day: I was doing a little research in the state's revised code and guess what I learned? This state prohibits embracing another person while driving. Really, they have a law against it! Good to know, huh?

Well, my computer is finished updating and it's asking me to reboot, so I think I'll log off. Maybe I can get home in time to catch the end of "So You Think You Can Dance?" I've only seen a few episodes, but I'm kinda liking that show. I think it's far more entertaining than "American Idol," but then again - I was never much of a fan of that show to begin with.